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Investing in People, Enriching Communities

Home. Opportunity. Hope

Explore our 45+ properties in the Mid-Atlantic and Midwest

  • Delaware

  • Illinois

  • Kentucky

  • Maryland

  • Ohio

  • Pennsylvania

  • Virginia

  • Washington, DC

  • ​West Virginia

Affordable housing development project rendering by Petersburg Community Development Corporation

Individuals , Families, Seniors, and People with Disabilities Residing in Affordable Housing Communities.

At Petersburg Community Development Corporation (PCDC), we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home, regardless of their income level or background. Join us in our mission to create inclusive and equitable communities where everyone can thrive.


Support Petersburg Community Development in our mission to cultivate dynamic and healthy communities by developing and owning affordable housing for families, seniors, and people with disabilities. Your donation is essential to providing access to quality housing opportunities and supporting individuals as they work to build long-term change in their lives and in their communities.

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